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Dear visitor below please find an overview of the chapters as well as the whole terms and conditions in the latest version, for your information. Chapter overview: 1. General 2.Prices 3. Payment Terms 4. Delivery Periods; Default, Passing of Risk; Loading Conditions 5. Impossibility; Embargos; Adaptation of Contract 6. Delivery Item; Alteration to the Delivery Item 7. Retention of Title 8. Defects in Quality 9. Property Rights and Copyrights; Defects in Title 10. Other Damage Claims, Statue of ...
ES direktyvos dėl ekologinio dizaino ir energijos suvartojimo ženklinimo
Su įmonės «PROTHERM» produkcija lengva paruošti naujų ES reglamentų įvedimą
2015 metų rugsėjo 26 d. įsigalios nauji ES reglamentai dėl šildytuvų ir vandens šildytuvų. Tam taisyklių visuma, žinoma kaip "ES direktyvos dėl aplinkos planavimo", nustato būtiniausius energijos vartojimo efektyvumo ir išmetamų teršalų standartus produktams ir sistemoms. Po Direktyvos įgyvendinimo visi neatitinkami prietaisai ir sistemos palaipsniui bus pašalinti iš gamybos. Bendrovė «PROTHERM» turi sprendimų spektrą jūsų šildymo ir vandens šildymo sistemų pakeitimui, modernizavimui ir efektyv...
Protherm Srbija /
Radnička 57 / Beograd /; Tel: 011 3540 466; 250
Kondenzacioni gasni kotao Puma Condens Zidni gasni kotao Protherm Lynx Odličan odnos cene i kvaliteta po SUPER CENAMA Zidni gasni kombinovani kotao snage 18 kW za grejanje i 24 kW za pripremu potrošne tople vode u domaćinstvu - idealno za male prostore! Preuzmite: Prospekt (159 kB) Preuzmite: Uputsvo za upotrebu (332 kB) Ppreuzmite: Video NOVO U PONUDI! Zidni gasni visokoefikasni kondenzacioni kotao Puma Condens Idealan za male prostore Izvanredan u svojoj klasi Odličan odnos cene i kvaliteta P...
Protherm Srbija /
Radnička 57 / Beograd /; Tel: 011 3540 466; 250
Kondenzacioni gasni kotao Puma Condens Zidni gasni kotao Protherm Lynx Odličan odnos cene i kvaliteta po SUPER CENAMA! Zidni gasni kombinovani kotao snage 18 kW za grejanje i 24 kW za pripremu potrošne tople vode u domaćinstvu - idealno za male prostore! Preuzmite: Prospekt (159 kB) Preuzmite: Uputsvo za upotrebu (332 kB) Ppreuzmite: Video NOVO U PONUDI! Zidni gasni visokoefikasni kondenzacioni kotao Puma Condens Idealan za male prostore Izvanredan u svojoj klasi Odličan odnos cene i kvaliteta ...
Vaillant d.o.o. Radnička 57 11030 Beograd Matični broj: 20247487 PIB: 104814294 Datum osnivanja: 12.12.2006. godine Zakonski zastupnici: Zoran Biserčić i Mario Opačak Tel.: +381 (11) 3540 050 Faks: +381 (11) 2544 390 E-mail:
Οικολογικός σχεδιασμός ΕΕ και σήμανση ενεργειακής απόδοσης
Η εφαρμογή των νέων κανονισμών της ΕΕ είναι εύκολη με την Saunier Duval
Στις 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015, τίθενται σε ισχύ οι νέοι κανονισμοί της ΕΕ, που θα επηρεάσουν την αγορά των λεβήτων και των συστημάτων θέρμανσης. Είναι γνωστοί ως οδηγία ERP (Energy-related Products) και αποτελούν την καθιέρωση των νομικά δεσμευτικών κριτηρίων για την ενεργειακή απόδοση και τις εκπομπές ρύπων. Η Saunier Duval έχει μια σειρά από λύσεις που βοηθούν να αντικαταστήσετε, να αναβαθμίσετε και να καταστήσετε τα συστήματα θέρμανσης και παραγωγής ζεστού νερού πιο αποτελεσματικά. Για τους περισ...
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Who we are
Protherm is one of leading brands for heating technology in Middle and Eastern Europe. It has been manufacturing reliable products for over 20 years, products that have one main attribute in common: the ability to prove their excellence, day in day out. Alongside product quality, we attach great importance to partnership based on trust. After all, providing extensive, competent service serves to complement the high, reliable technical quality that characterizes our product range. And whilst pro...
Terms of Use
Protherm appreciates your visit to this Website and your interest in our company and our products. Please find below important legal notes on the use of this Website. This website is provided by Vaillant Group International GmbH, Berghauser Str. 40, 42859 Remscheid, Germany (“Protherm“ or “we”). Any use of this website (“Protherm Website”), is subject to these Terms of Use. These Terms of Use may be amended, modified or replaced by other terms and conditions, e.g. for the purchase of products a...
Berghauser Str. 40 42859 Remscheid Germany Phone: +49 2191 180 E-Mail: Limited company Registered: Remscheid Registry court: Amtsgericht Wuppertal HRB 26908 Managing Directors: Mathias Kliemt, Alper Avdel, Hasan Melih Eren VAT Ident. no.: DE 273843223 Responsible for Content & Webdesign: Mathias Kliemt
The ErP Regulation and the new energy label
But in contrary to those labellings, the label in our industry is not self-explanatory. The installer’s advice is always necessary to define the right system for the specific case.In an attempt to cut greenhouse gas emissions, increase the use of renewable energy and reduce energy consumption, the EU has set three ambitious energy and climate protection targets to be achieved by 2020. In order to meet these targets the EU has come up with a new set of regulations, known as the Ecodesign Regulat...
Privacy Statement
Thank you for your interest in information offered by Vaillant Group International GmbH. We would like you to know that we value your privacy. This Privacy Statement informs you under which circumstances and how we collect, use, and may disclose personally identifiable information that you provide during your visit to this web site. We encourage you to read this Privacy Statement before submitting information. By using this web site, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to the terms of...
Protherm Srbija /
Radnička 57 / Beograd /; Tel: 011 3540 466; 250
Kondenzacioni gasni kotao Puma Condens Zidni gasni kotao Protherm Lynx Odličan odnos cene i kvaliteta po SUPER CENAMA! Zidni gasni kombinovani kotao snage 18 kW za grejanje i 24 kW za pripremu potrošne tople vode u domaćinstvu - idealno za male prostore! Preuzmite: Prospekt (159 kB) Preuzmite: Uputsvo za upotrebu (332 kB) Ppreuzmite: Video NOVO U PONUDI! Zidni gasni visokoefikasni kondenzacioni kotao Puma Condens Idealan za male prostore Izvanredan u svojoj klasi Odličan odnos cene i kvaliteta ...
Privacy Policy
We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. This privacy policy informs you about the processing of personal data. The privacy policy applies to our website and the services mentioned here. Specific or supplementary privacy policies may apply to certain services.
The controller for the processing of personal data is Vaillant Group International GmbH, Berghauser Straße 40, 42859 Remscheid, Germany ("we", "us"). You can find more information and our contact details in our legal notice We are a company of the Vaillant Group. The Vaillant Group means Vaillant GmbH (Vaillant GmbH, Berghauser Str. 40, 42859 Remscheid, Germany) and the companies affiliated with Vaillant GmbH. The Vaillant Group includes the brands Vaillant, Saunier Duval, awb, Bulex, DemirDökü...
Protherm Srbija /
Radnička 57 / Beograd /; Tel: 011 3540 466; 250
Kondenzacioni gasni kotao Puma Condens Zidni gasni kotao Protherm Lynx Odličan odnos cene i kvaliteta po SUPER CENAMA! 18 kW snaga za grejanje 24 kW za pripremu potrošne tople vode u domaćinstvu Izmenjivač od nerđajučeg čelika "Touch screen" displej DIA sistem: D mod, S, F, P, mod 626 x 400 x 270 mm Težina: 25 kg Kondenzacioni gasni kotao Puma Condens nudi pouzdano grejanje stanova ili manjih porodičnih kuća i pripremu protočne tople vode u veoma kompaktnom uređaju. Puma Condens je kvalitetan ...
Our partners
Sales Partner Contact Armenia MENUA Association Ltd. Str. Aighestan 9 0025 Yerevan Tel.: +374 91437749 E-Mail: ThermoSys LLC Zakyan 10 Yerevan Armenia Phone: +374 10 52-88-93 eMail: Azerbaijan Euroterm LLC Sabunchu district Bakikhanov ShTG, Ahmadbay Aghaev ,14 Baku Azerbaijan Phone: +994 512559785 E-Mail: Georgia AQUATHERM LTD. 98 Ketevan Tsamebuli Ave. 0120 Tbilisi Georgia Phone: +995577990009 E-Mail: aquathermbmc@gmai...
Our history
1991 - founding - "small series" electric boiler producer in Prague - Zličín 1992 - big boom in electric boiler sales, serial production in Skalice 1993 - network of 853 vendors and service companies in the Czech and Slovak Republics, 65% of electric boiler market 1994 - all earnings invested into development of wall hung gas boiler production 1995 - first exports to Ukraine and Germany (diesel-fired boilers) 1996 - entrance of strategic partner: the group Hepworth - Saunier Duval 1997 - cooper...